Cross-border as a factor in the development of international tourism in the Far East of Russia

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    G.A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ivanova D.А.

    D.А. Ivanova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article analyzes the foundations of the formation and development of cross-border tourism as one of the fundamental factors in the development of international cooperation in the field of tourism at the regional level. The aim of the work is to study the factors of development of cross-border tourism in the structure of the regional tourism brand "Eastern ring of Russia" and develop a model of innovative cross-border route. The methodological basis of the work is the socio-economic approach to the organization of cross-border tourism at the regional level, the methods of system analysis, formalization, classification, periodization, statistical analysis, modeling. The paper defines the role of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism, the cluster approach in tourism from the perspective of TRANS-border, studied the development of cross-border cooperation in Russia through cluster policy. The prerequisites for the formation of cross-border tourism in the far East of Russia, stimulating measures for the development of tourism in the far East as the basis of the cross-border brand "Eastern ring of Russia, a study of the development of cross-border routes in the region. On the basis of the developed innovative model of the tourist brand "Eastern ring of Russia" the model of the cross-border route "Tsarevich's Arches: the Eastern journey of Nicholas II" is proposed, the resource justification of the route is presented. The scientific novelty of the study is to clarify the concept of "cross-border tourism" and its classification. The paper proposes an innovative model of the tourist brand "Eastern ring of Russia". The practical significance of the work lies in the structural analysis of cross-border routes in the Far East, their geographical and spatial visualization, as well as the development of an innovative route program.
Keywords: cross-border tourism, route tourism, interregional tourism, tourist cluster, cross-
border route, tourist brand.